My Dinosaur: A Short and True Story

The first and the last time I saw my dinosaur, it was already a convulsive time. I was stranded for the past two months, for most of the time inside a cuboid type room with some colossal number of books, notebooks, rough copies, sample papers and what not. You see, I was preparing for and not in anticipation of that life defining Higher Secondary Board examinations.

And in one such day, tired of having sat at the same spot for hours (precisely 3 hours), as I went and stood beside the uncovered windows of that cuboid, I saw it in its two hind legs, moving in an haste and quickly disappearing into a sewage pipe of the Apartment Complex on just the other side of the lane.

For about the 1.5 seconds that I saw my Dinosaur, I could vouch that it was Magnificent! A long and thick tail from its posterior and two useless hands just by what I could say was its chest and the entire body resting on two thick hind legs, one could easily say that My Dino looked just like a rabbit sized T-Rex. And no, it went as if it was hiding from this big bad world, with a worrying alacrity, and never pretended to care for me or anyone else. But suddenly I felt blessed, as if it had particularly chosen me and shown me its form or of the purposeful hiding by which it survived somehow, it chose to trust me with its existence. But, who am I kidding? Maybe it was just a lapse on its self-concealment and security. But to see a sight that is usually never seen in the world not considering what hippies and junkies see all the time, it was exhilarating. As my dinosaur faded into that sewer pipe, I stood around and waited for it to just resurface and show itself to me again, for a good 10 minutes but to no avail I gradually took my seat in front of the study table filled to the brim and the adjoining wall to the table filled with formulae charts. At that moment I felt sure that if not right now, my dear old Dino would come out some time or the other and I hoped to keep an eye out for it.

With that, I resumed what could be only described as a rigorous implanting of theories, formulae and what not and writing it in an alien script swiftly as I read through these well-formed answers, concepts, proofs and equations to imbibe into my mind and hopefully vomit our in those dreaded examinations. As for my Dinosaur, I think it had just reached its solitary space of solitude and seclusion and maybe wanted some rest. Now hold, on I know what you are thinking, this random guy who was in a fit of stress, fatigue and had a tired brain is claiming to have seen a tiny dinosaur, next he will claim that once some aliens in his backyard bought him food or that he goes to the adjoining jungles of the city every Sunday visiting his old friend Bigfoot’s Indian cousin. But no, truly no! This is not some made up fictional story, as creepy or as unbelievable as it may sound, I know what I saw the other day and it had occurred to me that this encounter may seem highly
improbable to most of my fellow normal humans. A thought had come to me that if I could trap and somehow show my Dinosaur to the world, I could easily justify what I was going to say and also fulfill that teenage quest for making a mark in the world and thereby evade oblivion in the long run. As my restless mind had already thought of the honors’ that would be presented to me for making a new, exciting and unique zoological and worldly discovery. But I had gradually derided that thought, thinking of the ‘albatross’ and the ‘snake’ and also hadn’t mankind taken away enough from the world and its other seemingly less important inhabitants, already.

And, I had decided in that 30 minute span of my break away from career making study, that I am going to keep the confidence of my innocuous little Dinosaur, as it was my Dinosaur and mine alone. Also, I will reiterate at the end of this account, that whether you believe it or not, this encounter is as true as it gets.

P.S: A few days later I had very distinctly seen a mongoose go into My Dinosaur’s little home, the sewer pipe. I dreaded of the fight that would have taken place between the two but in retrospect, maybe the mongoose was giving his old neighbor and friend     
(My Dinosaur) a visit. After all, not all creatures are evil.

P.P.S- Any suggestions, reviews, your point of view or criticism is welcome in the comments below and will be held in regard. You can also mail me at


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