To Dickens, With Love
The Shades of Dickens I got Painted Over I was introduced to ‘The Sparkler of Albion’ as Charles Dickens jokingly referred to himself by David Copperfield. No, I didn’t know the great illusionist, nor did both of us exist in this pulchritudinous world when Dickens was breathing. I am merely referring to his classic, ‘David Copperfield’ which was gifted to me when I was 9, as a substitute for the book I’d actually asked for, ‘101 Magic Tricks’. *Sensing a pattern here*. Well, moving on from what I was reading before that happened, ‘ Shikhari Sambhu ’^, ‘ Suppandi’^ and 101 Fairy Tales (*ewww*) , I was surprised that this whole book contained only one story and realized that the short/children story-reading time was over for me. I remember setting out to read it, in bits and pieces but right from the beginning. Obviously, it didn’t make sense as a complete story back then, but nothing better to do just kept me on it. I have always had that book, and Yes! It did make sense and t...